SPARCL - SPARCL Field Catalog (SFC)

SPARCL Field Catalog

List of Fields available via Retrieve

CORE fields (common to all Data Sets)

Name Storage Units Description Default All
data_release CORE [Categorical] Data release of a given record (with a common data structure, e.g., SDSS-DR16, BOSS-DR16)
datasetgroup CORE [Categorical] Common name for a coherent set of spectra published as a single release (e.g., SDSS_BOSS)
dateobs CORE Range of observational dates for a given spectrum (single value for a single date)
dateobs_center CORE Central value of the dateobs range
dec CORE deg Declination in degrees
exptime CORE second Exposure time in seconds
extra_files CORE Additional files read for ingest
file CORE File used for this record
instrument CORE [Categorical] Instrument used for observation
ra CORE deg Right Ascension in degrees
redshift CORE Measured redshift, or radial velocity in units of redshift
redshift_err CORE Uncertainty on the measured redshift, or radial velocity in units of redshift
redshift_warning CORE Bitmask with warning on redshift result
site CORE [Categorical] Site of observations
sparcl_id CORE Universally Unique Identifier for spectrum in SPARCL
specid CORE Dataset-specific spectrum identifier (may not be unique)
specprimary CORE Whether an entry is the primary spectrum for a given target object
spectype CORE [Categorical] Spectral type of the object (STAR, GALAXY, QSO)
targetid CORE Dataset-specific photometric target identifier
telescope CORE [Categorical] Telescope used for the observation
updated CORE Date and time when the record was created/updated
wavemax CORE AA Maximum value of wavelength coverage in Angstroms
wavemin CORE AA Minimum value of wavelength coverage in Angstroms
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AUX and SPECTRA fields (unique to each Data Set)

Data Set: BOSS-DR16, AUX fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
run1d AUX Spectroscopic 1D reduction (redshift and classification) name
subclass AUX Best spectroscopic subclassification
rchi2diff_noqso AUX Difference in reduced chi-squared between best and second best fit for Z_NOQSO redshift
elodie_z_err AUX Error in redshift fit to ELODIE star
tfile AUX File that best fit template comes from in idlspec2d product
anyormask AUX For each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ORMASK
elodie_feh AUX Metallicity [Fe/H] of ELODIE star
elodie_bv AUX mag (B-V) color index for ELODIE star
lambda_eff AUX AA Effective wavelength drilling position was optimized for
boss_target1 AUX Primary (science) target flags for BOSS targets
dof AUX Number of degrees of freedom in best fit
platesn2 AUX Overall signal-to-noise-squared measure for plate (only for SDSS spectrograph plates)
vdispchi2 AUX Chi-squared for best-fit velocity dispersion
special_target1 AUX Primary (science) target flags for SDSS-I and SDSS-II special program targets
programname AUX Program within each survey that the plate was part of
calibflux AUX nanomaggy ugriz fluxes used for calibrations
zwarning_noqso AUX Warnings in z_noqso redshift (BOSS spectra only); 0 means everything is OK
theta AUX Template coefficients of best fit
spec1_g AUX Signal-to-noise squared for spectrograph #1, at g=20.20 for SDSS spectrograph spectra, g=21.20 for BOSS spectrograph spectra
objid AUX SDSS photometric object identification numbers (RUN, RERUN, CAMCOL, FIELD, ID)
segue1_target2 AUX Secondary (calibration) target flags for SEGUE-1 targets
segue2_target2 AUX Secondary (calibration) target flags for SEGUE-2 targets
spectroskyflux AUX nanomaggy Sky flux in each of the ugriz imaging filters
tcolumn AUX Columns of template files that correspond to each template
spectroflux AUX nanomaggy Spectrum projected onto ugriz filters

Data Set: BOSS-DR16, SPECTRA fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
wave_sigma SPECTRA pixel Line-spread function width (sigma of approximating Gaussian) in units of number of pixel
wavelength SPECTRA AA Wavelength in units of Angstroms
sky SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Subtracted sky flux
model SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Pipeline best model fit used for classification and redshift
mask SPECTRA and_mask
ivar SPECTRA 1e+34 cm4 s2 AA2 erg-2 Inverse variance of flux
flux SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Coadded calibrated flux

Data Set: SDSS-DR16, AUX fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
cz AUX z of Normal unit vector in J2000
special_target2 AUX Secondary (calibration) target flags for SDSS-I and SDSS-II special program targets
eboss_target_id AUX EBOSS unique target identifier for every spectroscopic target
thing_id AUX Resolve THING_ID in SDSS imaging for best positional match
run1d AUX Spectroscopic 1D reduction (redshift and classification) name
targetobjid AUX Unique database ID of targeting object based on RUN, RERUN, CAMCOl, FIELD, ID (same as SkyServer version)
targettype AUX General type of target (SCIENCE, STANDARD, or SKY)
legacy_target2 AUX Secondary (calibration) target flags for SDSS-I and SDSS-II Legacy survey
spectrographid AUX Which spectrograph (1 or 2)
vdispz_err AUX Error in redshift associated with best-fit velocity dispersion
zoffset AUX micron Washer thickness used for backstopping BOSS quasar targets, so they are closer to 4000 Angstrom focal plan
eboss_target1 AUX eBOSS, TDSS and SPIDERS target selection flags for main eBOSS survey
chi68p AUX 68-th percentile value of abs(chi) of the best-fit synthetic spectrum to the actual spectrum (around 1.0 for a good fit)
segue2_target1 AUX Primary (science) target flags for SEGUE-2 targets
firstrelease AUX Name of first release this PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2D was associated with
eboss_target0 AUX SEQUELS, TDSS and SPIDERS target selection flags
fiberid AUX Fiber number
specboss AUX Set to 1 for primary BOSS spectrograph observation of object, 0 otherwise
z_conf_person AUX Visual-inspection confidence (0=not inspected or no confidence, 1,2=low confidence, 3,4=high confidence)
programname AUX Program within each survey that the plate was part of
marvels_target2 AUX Secondary (calibration) target flags for MARVELS targets
yfocal AUX mm Hole position on plate (+Y = +DEC)
elodie_feh AUX Metallicity [Fe/H] of ELODIE star
segue1_target1 AUX Primary (science) target flags for SEGUE-1 targets
elodie_z_modelerr AUX Standard deviation in redshift among the 12 best-fit ELODIE stars

Data Set: SDSS-DR16, SPECTRA fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
flux SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Coadded calibrated flux
ivar SPECTRA 1e+34 cm4 s2 AA2 erg-2 Inverse variance of flux
mask SPECTRA and_mask
model SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Pipeline best model fit used for classification and redshift
sky SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Subtracted sky flux
wavelength SPECTRA AA Wavelength in units of Angstroms
wave_sigma SPECTRA pixel Line-spread function width (sigma of approximating Gaussian) in units of number of pixel

Data Set: SDSS-DR17-test, AUX fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
elodie_dof AUX Degrees of freedom in fit to best ELODIE star
elodie_feh AUX Metallicity [Fe/H] of ELODIE star
elodie_filename AUX File name for best-fit ELODIE star
elodie_logg AUX log10(gravity) of ELODIE star
elodie_object AUX Star name for ELODIE star
elodie_rchi2 AUX Reduced chi-squared of fit to best ELODIE star
elodie_sptype AUX ELODIE star spectral type
elodie_teff AUX Kelvin Effective temperature of ELODIE star
elodie_z AUX Redshift fit to ELODIE star
elodie_z_err AUX Error in redshift fit to ELODIE star
elodie_z_modelerr AUX Standard deviation in redshift among the 12 best-fit ELODIE stars
fiberid AUX Fiber number
firstrelease AUX Name of first release this PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2D was associated with
fluxobjid AUX Unique database ID of flux-based photometric match based on RUN, RERUN, CAMCOl, FIELD, ID (same as SkyServer version)
fracnsighi AUX Fraction of pixels high by more than N sigma relative to best-fit (for 1,2,..,10 sigma)
fracnsiglo AUX Fraction of pixels low by more than N sigma relative to best-fit (for 1,2,..,10 sigma)
fracnsigma AUX Fraction of pixels deviant by more than N sigma relative to best-fit (for 1,2,..,10 sigma)
lambda_eff AUX AA Effective wavelength drilling position was optimized for
legacy_target1 AUX Primary (science) target flags for SDSS-I and SDSS-II Legacy survey
legacy_target2 AUX Secondary (calibration) target flags for SDSS-I and SDSS-II Legacy survey
marvels_target1 AUX Primary (science) target flags for MARVELS targets
marvels_target2 AUX Secondary (calibration) target flags for MARVELS targets
mjd AUX days Modified Julian Day of observation
npoly AUX Number of polynomial terms in fit
nspecobs AUX Number of spectroscopic observations of this source

Data Set: SDSS-DR17-test, SPECTRA fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
flux SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Coadded calibrated flux
ivar SPECTRA 1e+34 cm4 s2 AA2 erg-2 Inverse variance of flux
mask SPECTRA and_mask
model SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Pipeline best model fit used for classification and redshift
sky SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Subtracted sky flux
wavelength SPECTRA AA Wavelength in units of Angstroms
wave_sigma SPECTRA pixel Line-spread function width (sigma of approximating Gaussian) in units of number of pixel

Data Set: DESI-EDR, AUX fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
ref_epoch AUX year Reference epoch for Gaia/Tycho astrometry. Typically 2015.5 for Gaia
plate_ra AUX deg Right Ascension to be used by PlateMaker
rms_delta_x AUX mm RMS (over exposures) of the fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 X location on focal plane
rms_delta_y AUX mm RMS (over exposures) of the fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 Y location on focal plane
sv1_scnd_target AUX Secondary target selection bitmask for SV1
sv2_scnd_target AUX Secondary target selection bitmask for SV2
sv3_scnd_target AUX Secondary target selection bitmask for SV3
subtype AUX Spectral subtype
std_fiber_dec AUX arcsec Standard deviation (over exposures) of DEC of actual fiber position
std_fiber_ra AUX arcsec Standard deviation (over exposures) of RA of actual fiber position
survey AUX Survey name
fa_target AUX Targeting bit internally used by fiberassign (linked with FA_TYPE)
priority_init AUX Target initial priority from target selection bitmasks and OBSCONDITIONS
cmx_target AUX Target selection bitmask for commissioning
scnd_target AUX Target selection bitmask for secondary programs
spgrpval AUX Value corresponding to the grouping type indicated in the spgrp column. This is the same as the healpix column

Data Set: DESI-EDR, SPECTRA fields

Name Storage Units Description Default All
flux SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Coadded calibrated flux
ivar SPECTRA 1e+34 cm4 s2 AA2 erg-2 Inverse variance of flux
mask SPECTRA Mask value
model SPECTRA 1e-17 erg cm-2 s-1 AA-1 Pipeline best model fit
wavelength SPECTRA AA Wavelength in units of Angstroms
wave_sigma SPECTRA AA Line-spread function width (sigma of approximating Gaussian) in units of Angstroms
SPARCL Field Cat(alog)